Compression Garments: How Long Will You Need to Wear Them?

Fat in stubborn parts of the body is often difficult to shed through regular exercise and a healthy diet. But liposuction makes it possible to remove these fats while improving body contour and proportion.

While it is important to understand liposuction and its risks, you also need to know as much about recovery. Recovery starts right after the surgery, wherein patients can wear compression garments.

What is a Compression Garment?

A compression garment is a highly-specialized medical apparel designed to aid in post-operative healing process. They come in different types depending on what procedure you had done but they all work exactly the same. They apply pressure on areas affected by the cosmetic procedure, thereby preventing fluid build-up.

All throughout history, people use compression garments to reduce edema or swelling. The origins of its use date back to the time of Hippocrates when it was applied as a treatment for ulcers in extremities. They were last used in the 1970’s when blunt liposuction techniques were first introduced.

Why Should You Wear Compression Garments After Liposuction?

People who had liposuction can wear compression garments to ensure an even and smooth healing. When used as recommended, a compression garment can:

  • Minimized swelling of surgical areas
  • Facilitate good circulation
  • Promote correct skin healing
  • Hold stitches in place
  • Reduce pain
  • Shape the contour of the body
  • Reduces risks of infection

There are different kinds of compression garments available in the market. They offer a variety of pressure, so make sure your surgeon helps you determine the right garment you need. Failing to use the correct compression garment could result in complications such as:

  • Scars
  • Lumps and irregularities on the skin
  • Contour irregularities
  • Seroma
  • Necrosis

Although there are cases where wearing compression garment is not necessary, it can help you achieve the result you aim to achieve.

What You Need to Look for in a Compression Garment

In choosing the right type of compression garment, it is important that you factor in quality and comfort. These two factors should go hand in hand with the purpose of the garment and should not be compromised.

Remember, a compression garment is worn for a specific medical purpose. Thus, a good fit is important to promote correct healing of surgical wounds. A snug fit of the garment also influences the contour of the body post liposuction. Thus, it is necessary that the garment fits your body.

How long should you wear compression garments after liposuction? The duration of compression garment use varies and often depends on the drainage technique used by a board-certified plastic surgeon.

An open drainage technique only requires the use of a compression garment for just a few days. This is to drain the anesthetic solution from under a skin. A close-drain technique, on the other hand, can last for several weeks and forces the anesthetic solution to be absorbed by the blood vessels.

On average, compression garments can be worn for up to three months, depending on the advice of the surgeon. Due to its nature as an outpatient procedure, the recovery period from a liposuction is minimal. Plus, you can do basic, everyday routines after the first two weeks.

But even then, it’s important to follow the advice of your board-certified plastic surgeon. Granted the recovery process is slow, but with patience and the right amount of care, liposuction is a wonderful procedure that will give you the figure you’ve always desired.

Featured Image: jarmoluk/
Image #1: xusenru/

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