Do You Need a Liposuction or a Tummy Tuck?

Liposuction and tummy tuck are the two most common procedures in contouring the abdomen area. Knowing the pros and cons of both treatments equips patients in determining which procedure is best suited to their specific needs.

When to Get Liposuction

Liposuction is the best option when it comes to permanent fat removal in the abdomen area, provided that the patient does not gain additional weight after surgery. The procedure removes subcutaneous fat (the kind found directly under the skin) that can be resistant to diet and exercise – resulting in a flatter and smoother tummy.

Compared to a tummy tuck, liposuction is a less invasive procedure. This entails a shorter operation, fewer risks, and easier recovery.

However, liposuction alone is not enough for patients who also have loose, hanging skin on their abdomen. While the procedure addresses excess fat, it does little in improving sagging skin after the excess fat cells are removed from the area. It only provides a slight amount of skin tightening, caused by cellular retraction due to the heat emitted while performing the procedure. While the skin naturally tightens over time, the extent of improvement still depends on a patient’s skin elasticity.

When to Get a Tummy Tuck

The primary difference between a tummy tuck and liposuction is it also deals with the treatment of skin and muscles for better abdominal contour. Aside from fat removal, it involves the trimming of excess skin and tightening of separated abdominal muscles – the primary cause of bulges or stomach pooches of many patients. The procedure offers a flatter, smoother, and firmer midsection.

As such, mothers who have difficulty in bouncing back to their pre-pregnancy tummy are perfect for this treatment. People who lost a significant amount of weight are good candidates as well.

However, the downside is that a tummy tuck is a more extensive procedure compared to liposuction. Although the scar can be effectively hidden under bikinis and plain clothing, it is lengthier compared to liposuction scars – running horizontally across the tummy. The procedure also comes with longer downtime and recovery period. Nonetheless, many patients and surgeons find tummy tuck more effective and more transforming than liposuction.

Liposuction or Tummy Tuck?

To sum up, both procedures treat different issues. Liposuction involves simple contouring and fat removal in the abdomen area – great for those who have firm skin and are after slimmer tummies. On the other hand, aside from getting rid of fat, a tummy tuck addresses stretched skin and loose abdominal muscles as well.

Even so, patients may be introduced to a new surgical option to achieve the best contour – a combination of both.  A tummy tuck and liposuction can be combined if deemed appropriate and necessary by the plastic surgeon.

A thorough consultation with your plastic surgeon is essential to know the best procedure for you. Click here to schedule a consultation with Memorial Plastic Surgery today.

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