No More Double Chins with Kybella®

Are you suffering from chin fat? As one of the hardest parts of the body to lose extra fat, the chin area can store stubborn fat cells that diet and exercise alone cannot solve. Liposuction is a solution many have turned to, but undergoing full surgery can be quite overwhelming for a minor double chin problem.

Memorial Plastic Surgery introduces the latest addition to its list of world-class treatments – Kybella, the first and only FDA-approved non-surgical double chin treatment. Kybella® targets moderate to severe fat accumulation in the chin area to give way to a slimmer, more attractive chin and profile.

How does Kybella® work exactly?

The treatment is applied through a series of injections in the chin area, primarily containing deoxycholic acid – a natural molecule already present in the body. The 10 mg/mL substance dissolves stubborn fat cells and prevents them from re-accumulating – which happens 10-15 minutes after administration. The number of injections depends on the amount of fat needed to be treated in the chin area.

kybella injection
Photo from

An in-office treatment, Kybella® is performed in just about 30 minutes. Prior to the injection, the chin area is applied with either a numbing cream or local anesthesia for minimal pain. Small needles are also used in the injections for further comfort. Accordingly, patients can enjoy absolutely no downtime after a session and can choose to resume work immediately after.

Most patients are recommended at least 2-4 sessions that are spaced at least 1 month apart to fully enjoy the benefits of the Kybella® procedure. Since it permanently destroys fat cells, patients who had undergone the full treatment are not expected to need further sessions in the future. For most patients, the results of the procedure last for a relatively long time.

Compared to other surgical treatments, Kybella® comes with fairly minor risks. Swelling, bruising, and redness are to be anticipated as the body cleans up all cellular debris left after the application of the injections. Nonetheless, these are expected to subside within 3-4 weeks post-treatment.

Is Kybella® right for you?

If you are bothered by your double chin but wanting to avoid surgery, ask a board-certified plastic surgeon about Kybella®. Ensure the best results by scheduling a consultation with Memorial Plastic Surgery. Contact us at 713-609-9335 or by emailing us here.

Memorial Plastic Surgery Clearlake